Sunday 11 October 2009

The Wonders of Buckwheat

I was reminded this morning of the wonders of Buckwheat flour. Sometimes known as sarrasin this flour is naturally gluten and wheat free and can be used to make pancakes, noodles and pastas. This is the recipe I used this morning to make Blini's for our breakfast. They are brilliant because you can either have them with something savory like smoked salmon or something sweet like raspberry jam, yummy!


  • 2 Eggs
  • 175g/7oz Buckwheat Flour
  • ½ tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 300ml Milk
  • 1 tbsp olive oi
1. Whisk the eggs until frothy.
2. Beat in the flour and bicarbonate of soda
3. Add the milk beating well to keep a smooth batter
4. Heat a little of the oil in a pan and drop in a tablespoon of the batter
5. Cook until the underside is golden then turn over and cook the other side 
6. Continue until the batter is used

Friday 2 October 2009

Latest Newsletter

Check out our October newsletter, we've got loads happening and most excitedly I've finally done my diploma exam yippeeee! I am so happy that it is over except now I am anxious as to whether I passed!