Although, here in Aboyne, it is the most beautiful of days with the bluest of skies and an incredible amount of snow I am very excited, at the prospect of being hot, having had what seems like an eternity of Winter.
On Saturday I am embarking on an incredibly long journey (181/2 hours of flight time to be precise) to Thailand, ‘the land of smiles’ to learn how to do this:
Well not exactly! I am heading to the Institute of Thai Massage in Chiang Mai to do another two levels up in Traditional Thai Massage. I have been practicing Thai Massage for almost two years now and the most common complaint I am faced with is tension between the shoulders and in the neck. Although what I practice thus far will help relieve some of this tension it does not focus on particular problems, it is designed as a method of prevention rather than a cure.
On Monday morning I will be learning:
“the therapeutic aspects of Thai Massage focusing on acupressure points to relieve ailments such as headache, back pain, knee pain, shoulder/neck pain caused by various conditions of physical and mental stress”
sounds good doesn’t it! I will keep you posted on my progress, until then I will bathe in the glorious Aberdeenshire sunlight and await my departure on Saturday.